Master Abhiyansh Shukla

The Assam Book of Records (ABR) is pleased to present this Certificate of Appreciation to Master Abhiyansh Shukla, son of Amita Shukla and Abhishek Shukla of Lucknow, and a sixth-grade student at Lamartiniere Boys College in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, for penning a book titled "One and half years" about the current COVID scenario in India from the viewpoint of an 11-year-old child. The book describes the crisis and the government's proactive response to it. The chief minister of Uttar Pradesh praised the book, and the governor of the state as well as other dignitaries provided a foreword. Both online and through reputable bookstores, the book is accessible to buy.

Master Abhiyansh is given this certificate by the Assam Book of Records (ABR) in recognition of his accomplishment at such a young age.

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